Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today, I read on facebook, news of kidnapping of girl of 4 years old. Why such crimes are taking place? How people can think of even touching such hyour girls and why? In every newspaper, you will find all news of crime and voilence and nothing else. Hardly any good news!! Who will stop all these. We need a strong leader who can do it. Its a time for Kali avtaar who will take toll of all such evil forces and bring again peace in the world!!!

I remembered a powada or soem freelance writing of Sant Eknath which I read in book "Raja ShivChatrapati" written by Babasaheb Purandare. It is given below.

दार उघड बये, दार उघड |

दार उघड बये, दार उघड |
अलक्षपूर भवानी , दार उघड बया |
माहूरलक्ष्मी , दार उघड बया |
कोल्हापूरलक्ष्मी , दार उघड बया |
तुळजापूरलक्ष्मी, दार उघड बया |
तेलंगलक्ष्मी, दार उघड बया |
कन्नडलक्ष्मी, दार उघड बया |
पाताळलक्ष्मी, दार उघड बया |
अष्टभुजालक्ष्मी, दार उघड बया |
पंढरपूरलक्ष्मी, दार उघड बया |

नमो निर्गुणा निराकार | मूळ आदिमाया तू साकार |
घेउनी दहा अवतार | करी दुष्टांचा संहार |
दार उघड बया | दार उघड बया |

दैत्यकुळी हिरण्यकश्ष्यापू जन्मला | तेणे तुझा भक्त गांजिला |
ते न पाहावे तुजला | त्वा उग्र रूप धरिले |
तेंव्हा क्रोधे स्थंभ फोडुनी | नरसिंहरूप धरून |
दैत्यासी वाढून | प्रल्हाद दिवटा रक्षिला |
दार उघड बया | दार उघड |

सीतेनेची कैवारे | रावण मारिला सापरीवारे |
अठरा पद्म वानरे | गोंधळ मांडीला लंकेसी |
सागर बांधुनी शिळी | करिसी लंकेची होळी |
रावण कुंभकर्ण घेशी बळी | खेळाशी शिरांची चेंडूफळी |
दार उघर बया | दार उघड |

कळीचा प्रथम चरण | दैवते राहिली लपून |
तीर्थे सांडिली महिमान | अठरा वर्ण एक झाले |
म्लेन्छे गांजिले देवभक्ता | महिमा उच्छेदिला सर्वथा |
न चाले जपतप तत्वता |एकरूप सर्व झाले |
बया दार उघड | दार उघड

अर्जुनारथी स्वर होऊनी | वागदोर हाती धरुनी |
रथ फिरवसी कवतुके | बया दार उघड |
गणवाद्य भम भम भम | दन दन दन कडक कडक
तोची गोंधळ अंबे तुजप्रती | बाय दार उघड दर उघड |

ऐसे तुज न पाहावे जाण | म्हणोनी बैसली मौन धरून?
विटेवरी समचरण ठेऊन | निवांत बैसलीस, बये?
नवखंड स्वर्ग मुगुटी झळाळी | बाय दार उघड |

शंख चक्रांकित शोभली | कोटीचंद्रसूर्यप्रभा वेल्हाळी |
एका जनार्दनी माउली | करी कृपेची साउली बया |
दार उघड! बया दार उघड! दार उघड! दार उघड! दार उघड! दार उघड!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Today, I am seeing Dance India Dance!!!
What a mezing performance of Vatsal and Amrita. No comparison at all!!!

This show has given a biggest platform for talent.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Eagerly waiting for today's FIFA World Cup match!!

I am sure that Paul is going to be right. May be Spain will win today.



Monday, July 5, 2010

This is not my poem, but read it on internet. Written by Sachin

अनकाळीचा पाऊस

आज अचानक अनकाळी हा पाऊस कशाने आला
वसंतात भिजलेल्या तिचिया केसांचा गंध आठवूनी गेला
गर्द मेघ हे असमंतातुनी गडाडूनी बरसुनी जाती
पेटवती मग अंतरी तिचा आठवणींचा वाती

अनकाळीचा पावसात ह्या भिजणे योग्य नाही
जवळी असता ती तिचिया आठवणीत रुजणे योग्य नाही
मन वेडे हा पाऊस कसाही गोड ह्याला वाटे
आठवण हि तशी हताळे सांजा अन पहाटे

अनकाळीचा पाऊस हा टिकला नाही काही
आठवणीचा दीप मात्र हा नितांत तेवता राही
सांगा दोस्तहो पावसात हे मन का वेडे रुजते
पावसाचा नवा खाली हे आठवणीत का हो भिजते


Bharat Bandh

Today's Bandh - was it really necessary and was it only way to demonstrate against government? Non voilence movement is gift by Mahtma Gandhi to world, but the way it is misused and converted into voilence bandh is shame on Indians.

No political leader bothered about what is happening to common man. Such bandh is only with political motive - to create voters bank for future elections. And motive of elections is very clear.

If political leadres are really bothered about reasons for Bandh, then they should really show that they are bothered. By one day bandh nothing is going to happen. Let them risk their own lives. Has any leader has courage to sit for hunger strike till real cause is removed. But sory to say that there is no such leader in my beloved country. Who takes action against black marketiers? Who takes action against adultratoers, who takes action against corrupt people?

Real reason is hunger of profit by whatever means.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

What a game by Germans yesterday!!! A real team with youth and vigour. Showed winner attitude. Argentina was helpless and just could not do anything. A sad day for Maradona.

Let us hope, Germans wins this World Cup!!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

FIFA World Cup

It was really fantastic match yesterday - Brazil and Netherland. Its really pity that Brazil has lost and not in finals. World Cup winner for six time not even in finals!!! Is it change in power centres in FIFA World Cup? But whatever it may be, winner is Football Game!!! Very nice and fully charged games!!!