Saturday, February 5, 2011

What I missed a lot!!!

Last Sunday was very unfortunate Sunday. I still feel that that Sunday be deleted from calender. I lost my mother on that day. I missed her so much, but cannot change destiny. I have to accept it.

She was really brave lady, She was bed ridden for about five years but never showed on her face her own pains, SHe used to say " Do not worry, I am fine. Take care of youself" Realsing now how difficult was it for her to say so. She was really brave and tought me lessesn of positivity by pracicing it. thnikers just do not say " Month is first Guru and she is first University for child" My mother proved it once agian like many mothers.

Now I am thinking what I missed, I wanted to do so many things but now missed those.

I wanted to record voice of my mother - she knew many old folk songs, stories.She had lot of old memories.

I wanted to talk to her on many topics

I wanted to show her many photographswhich I took

I wanted to have just sit by her side and chat something

But now all these are after-thoughts. Shoudl have done it on time and not say will do later.

Thinking now what can be not repaired!! This period woke up many old memories and made me feel that how we miss so many things in our rat raceof life. Epsecially after coming to Mumbai, I am missing time for self. No time for self, no time of health, no time for relations, no time for peach of mind, just run run run and run!!!!

And all this for what? if i cannot spend time for myself, for my family, for my friends, for my socity, what is use of all these things?

At this moment, I remember gazal of Jagjit Sing - "Kagazki Kashti aur wo barish ka paani"

But this time have gave me chance to think - to think about myself, my life. I wanted to correct many things now. I met few of my old friends to whome I had not met for years, but their visit in this sad episode made me think about life.

Chalo, let us see!! With this wakening up, I must do something and try to return something to my family,my friends, my society and spend some time with myself for my own.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Why I see movie!!!

I was just asking question to myself - Why I see movie? Is it for entertainment, is it for learning something, is it to kill time, is it just for change in schedule?

When I think in normal way, it looks that these are all reasons for which I see movie. But it is not real reason. I didnot realise it till today morning. I was watching news on one news channel. The news of Sonawane who was burtn alive was being discussed. those criminals were from village of R R Patil. I heard something like this. Then thought came in my mind, how fast those criminals were cought and takne in police customdy.Why so much speed, is it because some political leader is involved or his village is involved? Was it image of Sonawane? Definitely not. Soawane was one normal government officer. But there was something else. Why???

Sometime back there was news about BJP wanted to do flag hosting in Laal Chauk in Srinagar aminds of suspect terror activities. Why???

Sometime back there was hue and crt on onion prices. From farmer to cunsumer, price goes up by 300%!!! Why???

One time big leader like Suresh Kalmadi involved in huge huge fraud. Still that bugger has courage to claim that he has not done anything. He has courage to refuse to step down from IOC committee. Why??

India is ranked among top countries where corruptios is normal way of life. Every political leader - national, state level or village level is involved inone or other scam. Karnataka Chief Miister is involved in frauds and his party wants to protect him. Surely large chunk of money must have gone those people who are protecting his.

Today I saw a news of heir of Dalai Lama is suspected to be spy of CHina. An amount of 8.5 cr is found in his office. One such a senior regious leader is suspected to be spy. Why???

CVC Chief is involved in corruption cases. What else worst you can expect?

Be it politics, be it judiciaries, be it religion, be it industry, be it commerce, be it trade, be it sports, be it education, curruption is the basic part of the life. we can live without water, food shelter but cannot live without corruption.

Oh God,l but still my question is unanswered - Why I see movie?

I see a resolution of all such issues in movie. Even if I know that this is not real, but at least for some time, I get solace that my country/state/city/village got rid of it.

See movieof Anil Kapoor - Nayak. He becomes Chief Minister for one day and he changes everything and makes a dent on state politics. It looks that doing this is so easy. You only need intentions.

See movie Shahenshah of Amitabh Bachchan. All these gundas from criminal world, political leaders etc are afraid of him. I get satisfaction that at least on reel, I can see it happening. I know that in real life it is not possible.

See movie - Tare Jamin Par. I would like to go to school once again if I am going to get teacher like Ram Shankar Nikumbh. He cares of students. I dream that even in work life bosses will be like that -some are but some are not. they are exactly opposite to that character.

See movie Ek Ruka Hua faisala. I really wish that there will be at least few people in country who will and can think logically like that character (forgot the name) who finallly changes the decision of the case. It is not by force but by logical arguments and situational proof.

See some old movie - Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai. I can see how the decoits are changed to good human being. Same story in monay old movie.

Isee movie to see my country in dreams. I know that such thing to exist in reality is not so easy rather just near impossible. At least for some time, I can live in my dreams and enjoy life in highly cultured country.

When will we be able to live in such country in reality? Does Manmohan Singh has answer to this. Does Sonia Gandhi has answer to this? I am sure that I cannot expect answer from Sharad Pawar, Digvijay SIngh or any leader from BJP. I am also sure that most of acadamicians will also not have answers to these questions. I am sure that no industrialist will have answer to this. I am sure that noreligious leader will have answer to this. We need to wait for some visionary leader to come forward and steer us to this dream. We will wait becuase still there is ray of light at the end of tunnel. Till we see such light, we will live in this darkness with a hope of that ray of light becoming a light itself.

Wish yo all the best to see some next movie!!!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tare Jamin Par!!!!

Yesterday, I saw this movie probably for 4th or 5th times. Every time I see it, it gives some new insight to me.

I see many Eshan every where but very few Nikumbha Sir. Just to recap, few things which Nikhumbh Sir does with Eshan. Eshan is very special child. He needed some to overcome his deficiencies. Firstly, identification of the such help itself was first big step. Nikumbh Sir takes pains to even go to Eshan's home to identify his problem. He used method of enquiry to identify the issue. As he has gone through these pains and he has studies child psychology, he coudl easily make out from the notes books the problem.

It was not sufficient. No on has only problems and deficiencies, but has some special qualities. Most critical part is to identify such qualities which are normaly hidden deep inside. But nikumbh Sir sees his painting for soldiers and his innovative flip book and identifies inner hidden qualities of Eshan - is it deep dive into current circumstances.
Then the process of solution findng. He tried to speak to Eshan in isolation. First such dialog was in school classroom when both were alone. Then he starts with simple steps.In most of the cases,sSolutions to problems also comes with such small steps. remember he writes numbers of steps and askes Eshan to climb or step dpwn those steps and then count figures.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

MIss you, Gautam!!!

Dear Gautam Sir,

This is just for you. We cannot tell how much we lost when you leave us here and went for long journey. Remember your every meeting and every iteraction. we all were looking at you as source of energy. As said by Mr. Anand Mahindra, your focus on job and people who does that job rather than individual and company has made you "Leader of People".

Your best gift to all of use - very difficult to say so, but I term the best as one which cam eto my mind first - is "Energy SUrplus". Just words makes me feel energetis and hearing it your voice is just a dynamite of energy enetering into everyone.

I remember my first meeting with you when you came to FES. I was little skeptical before meeting because I had heard a lot about you earlier. But when I met you, you just made me felt at ease that I never felt that I am meeting you first time. And then onwards every interaction was worth esperiance. Youhad always taken tough stand on issues of operations discipline which made the system and processes so easy that discipline becase a part of routine. It looks so simple today but in those days it was merathon task.

FES has reached to new height under your leadership. At personal level, I have enjoyed those years in FES and got so much from those years and every interaction with you.

Thank you for everything you have given to us to FES and to M&M!!! God may give strength to Kunti and two sons to face this greastest lost of their life!


Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Wave in Auto industry -Electric Vehicles

It is not something new that petroleum products availability have limited life and the only source of energy fir future is either electric or solar. Most of the countries and majors in auto industry have gone much ahead in the line but still much to do.

Ford has already launch its vehicle " Focus". I have seen solar car of Renault in Auto show of 2010. in India, we cannot ignore Mahindra's efforts in this line. Their first car was Bijli. And now acquisition of Reva and now Mahindra Reva. I do not know whether any other auto industry in India has gone ahead some much. May be but I do not know!! These are few examples to mention.

The critical factor from common man's point of view is availability of charging units. We are so much used to see fuel stations at many places that we do not realise its importance and efforts gone in the process of creating this distribution channel. Now those efforts are required to create channel for charging units. In city like Mumbai where distance travelled normally is not less than 50 km every day, it is very critical. I am a common man and I do not understand how it will be made available. Without full support from governments, this task is impossible.

Apart from availability, there are two aspects - time taken for charging and cost of charging. I am sure that there must many mavericks working on creating a solution and many big players will be ready to buy the technology. Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently demonstrated a rapid-recharging system, designed to improve electric vehicles’ operation. Their project aims to change public perceptions about the practicality of such vehicles. The team’s objective is to recharge an electric car in less than 30 minutes, without severely reducing the operating lifetime of the batteries or causing other problems.

As far as cost is concerned, it can be dealt with later. there are many examples that once usage starts, costs comes down fast. Take any example in electronics industry. When I took my first mobile, rate of Rs.36 per minute and now, I even did not notice how much I pay for my mibile charge. Same will happen for this also.

Hence govts and industry should concentrate on creating channel for charging which should be similar to current channel for petrol/diesel/CNG and charging as fast as possible e.g. 30 minutes, 15 minutes or even replacement within 2 minutes.

One funny thing about it. Recently, US govt has passed a law relating to noise level for Electra vehicle. Probably first time someone is making law to have noise.

The importance of the electric vehicle has gone beyond the tolerance which is evidence from the recent incidence of leakage of secrets from Renault engineering team. One very high lever person - member of executive committee - is also involved. He could probably be one of top ten from Renault. As it was a joint project with Nissan, I do not know how Nissan is looking at it.

Let us hope that soon we will see some vehicles on road in Mumbai!!!